
from the desk of... candidate 4

What Job Am I Interviewing For Again?

I had learned my lessons from last week. I made sure this week’s interview would be at the right time, and I would be better prepared for the questions asked.

This week I had a phone interview for a job at a college in Manhattan for a “Community Director” position. On the surface looked like the same thing as “Resident Director”, “Hall Director”, “Complex Director,” “Residence Coordinator” or any other variations that all ultimately mean someone who supervises the dorm, the residents, and the RAs. It usually means working closely with students.


So during the interview, I made sure to really emphasis my love for student development, coaching staff members, getting involved in student activities, and working with a team.

The interviewers kept silent except asking their canned questions. To my credit, I was nailing all of them. I was confident, passionate, and calm.

Finally, after I had given a compelling, oratory manifesto, a student development speech worthy of a president, they politely said the job had very little to do with interacting with students.

“The job is predominately administrative duties,” one of them said. “You won’t really work directly with students.”


“Umm…well that sounds great.”

Unlike myself.

What I learned this week on the job hunt

1. In an interview, always ask them first to describe the job position.

2. Make sure you REALLY know what the job title is.

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